
Why does my dog bark at his food?

Why does my dog bark at his food?


He's hungry

3 Answers

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Hi good afternoon will the best that I know from my Merck Manual for veterinary medicine and a book I read called Susan's dog and just having been around animals in general if they bark at their food it's because the possibility that they actually like it they enjoy it and that is their way of expressing themselves when a dog barks at the form of an expression whether it's in a angry bark or in a happy bark which they all have the difference of that's how they express themselves all animals make some kind of annoyed so more than likely it's the fact that they're trying to tell you that they're really enjoying that great plate of people that you just gave them respectfully


My dog does the same thing. I free feed my dogs, and she usually barks if she can see the bottom of one of the dishes, even if the other dish is full. She's a Jack Russell, and I think she has figured out that she gets more attention when she does goofy stuff like this. She also barks at her water dish when I unplug it to clean it.


My dog is going on 14 and she usually barks at every single meal. Sometimes she goes into play position (butt in the air) and other times just barks. Wish I could tell you why for sure, but I can tell you how I handle it When she starts barking, I point my hand, like a gun, and say "Bang, bang, its dead". So it has become a ritual with her which is only ignored when I give her a Sunday morning treat of scrambled eggs on top.


JJ, you're so funny! Truly is lucky to have the Sunday breakfast special. Hope all is well.