
If I sign up to sit dogs, can I have my kid who is over 13 take care of the dogs?

I am an adult signing up to sit dogs, can I have my 14 year old daughter sit the dogs for me?

2 Answers

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According to Rover Terms of Service, my understanding is no. Note the Terms of Service sections 2.3.1 - Compliance w/Laws (must be able to legally work) and 5 - Age Restrictions on Use of the Site or Services. Since it is a written contract, no person under 18 could enter. Yet, in my area, I've seen people stating it's an adult or two and their minor child/children providing service. Perhaps you want to contact rover support directly.


Personally, I would be highly uncomfortable if my dogs were to be left with a fourteen year old. Because they are a minor, in the case of emergencies, they would most likely not be able to provide proper assistance. I do believe you must be 18 to have a Rover profile at all so if you create one merely to advertise your daughter's services then you are deceiving potential customers and violating's terms.