
Can I buy a dog?

Hello everyone. First I want to say sorry for my bad English. I really want to get a dog (puppy), but because of religious reasons I'm not allowed to keep one inside the house. Recently we built a porch (covered by glass) in our backyard. It is very cold here at night (in the Netherlands). I was thinking about keeping the dog in the porch to protect him from the cold. The dog can get out from the porch whenever he/she wants. We got a pretty big backyard with grass where the dog can play. I also have a lot of time to interact with the dog! So do you think it will be a problem? It will be my first time owning a dog so I really want to know what I'm doing to avoid bad consequences.

2 Answers

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Dogs are so much fun! It sounds like you have a good plan and a good house and yard to keep a dog. The fact that you have a lot of time to interact with a dog is great! I hope you find the perfect dog to fit your needs.


Many working dogs never step foot inside the house but still live a very happy, fulfilling life. As long as you do interact with your dog, as long as the dog gets plenty of exercise , stimulation, socialization and love, there is no reason why you can't get a dog.

I would however look for breeds that have a history of such living conditions like Huskies, Malamutes, Akitas and such. Plus does breeds would be more than happy to live outside provided they have a nice dog house. I would also feed this dog lots of fish oils, helps with the fur and cold.

Here is a pic of a basic but very efficient dog house. I would make it so you can lift the roof of the dog house for maintenance. The design is simple but cuts down the wind and gives your dog a nice cozy and warm home. You can use hay inside the house during the cold months, change it every week or so.