
What should I bathe a puppy with?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Dawn is a gentle cleansing shampoo. But don't bathe them too often as all shampoos strip away their natural oils.

They make specially formulated dog shampoo for puppies. Also you could look for a hypoallergenic dog shampoo.

Puppy wipes/shampoo. The way I made bathing fun for my puppy was- I first introduced him to puppy wipes and gradually introduced him to water. Watch this video to know how to give your puppy a  relaxing spa treatment at home using puppy wipes : (

5 Answers

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puppy shampoo or if you're in a pinch, baby shampoo. Definitely not other human shampoos


Dog shampoos are specially formulated to keep their essential oils intact. Human shampoos may cause skin problems with dogs.


A general cleansing shampoo should be safe for puppies, but if you prefer, you can use a shampoo specially designed for puppies.


A puppy should be bathed in soap that specifies for puppies. Do not use human shampoos or soaps. Puppies need the oils on their skin to keep a healthy coat and human shampoos tend to strip hair and wash the oils away. Puppy skin is sensitive and you shouldn't use anything that isn't specifically labeled for puppies.


A puppy should be bathed with a shampoo specifically formulated for puppies. Most puppy shampoos contain either oatmeal or chamomile to keep their skin conditioned and smooth. They also are usually "tearless" formulas, just like baby shampoos.