
Why does my dog like to sit on me?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Dogs often lay on feet, or sit on you, as a sign of dominance and can also be a sign that the pup is anxious and looking for comfort through contact

4 Answers

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I have a dog and I think he has a little bit of seperation anxiety because when we go out for awhile he sits on the back of the couch which is in front of our picture window and watches for us. When we come home he barks because he's excited to see us .Sometimes if we clothes on the floor he lays on top of them


They are staking their claim. THIS human is mine. I've even had some Guest dogs sit on me when a new Guest dog arrives. Kinda like a kid saying "DIBS!!"


I would add to that and say that dogs like to sit on you because in most cases you will pet or massage them and/or stroke their coat. They like the warmth of a body because its cozy and the interaction for the attention. These are great bonding moments. Naturally, you will pet or stroke them and that is soothing. When they get too hot the just will get up and leave to lie down in a cooler place.


Many dogs will sit on you as a protection method or just because they love you