
Why does my dog eat cat food?

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4 Answers

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Unfortunately, dogs will eat almost anything when given the opportunity. Cat food is not in particular harmful for dogs, but cats and dogs have different nutritional requirements so it would be best to keep your dog from eating cat food despite how much he/she likes it. Larger dogs, especially, require a much higher food intake than cats so cat food alone is not going to suffice. To prevent the dog from eating cat food, I would recommend not "free-feeding" the cat. That way, the cat's food is not accessible to the dog. Another suggestion is to also place the cat food in an area that the dog cannot reach or even in a separate room of your house.


Cat food can smell very yummy to dogs. Cat food is made with different nutrients that are not healthy for dogs though, so you may want to ensure that he/she is not eating the food. A simple solution can be to feed kitty on a higher surface, such as the kitchen counter.


Cat food tends to have more salt in it than dog food. Dogs love the smell of it and once they start to eat it, can't stop. It is a salty treat that they can't get enough of. Cat food is formulated specifically for cats and shouldn't be given to dogs. Too much sodium can be bad for your dog so do your best to prevent him/her from eating the cat food.


Dogs eat just about anything, chocolate, poop, why should cat food be any different. Keep it where the dog can't get it but the cat can.


Cat food is a tasty alternative to their food. KEep it up and awwy from dogs as it is high in sodium.


Dogs are curious by nature. They also want what they can't have! A lot of times dogs try to go for another animal's food to show that they are dominant and that they can do what they want. Make sure to separate the food into different rooms and teach your dog that it is not good to do that-- however, you will still probably try to catch them sniffing.