

"Hi all," I had just recently put my profile on the craigslist

site and haven't had any response yet. Does anyone have any ideas? Thank You

3 Answers

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Hi, My experience is that you need to refresh your posting every 24 hours and just be patient. It takes time. On your dashboard, there's a section titled Promoting your Rover Business.." which assists with Facebook, Google +, Twitter, Next Door, etc. too. Right now, Rover is offering a "Pick-Your-Prize Spring Giveaway" contest where Rover will reward you for doing so with Amazon gift cards.


Hi Deb thanks for the advice . I,ll try craigs list again.


Definately keep renewing your ads, also, are you posting strictly in the "Pet Services" section? I have ads in "Pet Services", "Resumes" and "Vacation Services" . My area also has several Facebook pages where you can post your business ads, I would search by your city on Facebook. For those ads I have a FB page solely for my Rover business. Next Door is awesome as well as it is for your immediate area. Good Luck and be patient (I know it's hard, lol). But if you are diligent in your advertising you will get bookings, it's always a slow start but after a few great experiences those clients will tell their friends and so on.


If you renew your service paid ad, be aware that you need to pay again for each renewal.