
Does anyone have any suggestions on how to get my client's dog to quit marking all the furniture in the house? He is a really sweet loving dog and I want to keep watching him but I don't want him to ruin the furniture......?

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5 Answers

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Sorry to say some dogs can't seem to get beyond this behavior. I actually had to stop caring for a dog that did this. Anyone who says more frequent outings can cure it has not encountered a dog like this.

I have a fenced yard and would be outside with these dogs for hours. As soon as we came in she'd (yes, a female) pee right in front of me within 5 or 10 minutes. I even tried taking her back out 2 or 3 times within 30 or 40 minutes after coming in just in case she was confused in some way. No matter how much she went outside she still managed to have a trickle left for peeing inside.


Dab a mixture of one part vinegar to two parts water on the vinegar to neutralize the odor. The smell of the vinegar is also extremely strong to the dog, but not to humans, discouraging further urination in that same spot. While vinegar will discourage future urination and remove urine smells, the dog will still need to go to the bathroom. Bring the dog outside frequently, at least every two hours. When the dog does urinate where you want it to, give the dog plenty of praise, pet it and speak in a very excited and encouraging tone.


When cleaning up accidents make sure you are using a cleaner with the enzymes to remove the urine oder. Watch him closely and when you catch him lifting his leg reprimand him or make a loud noise. I always use a belly band on the male dogs when the cone into the house, they are life savers.


If taking him out more frequently doesn't work maybe asked the client if they have any marking problems at home, if they don't try a male belly band they are a wrap you can put on males and fill with pads to absorb the pee. They are made for males the are heavy markers or incontinent.


I suggest taking him for more frequent walks. So he will not have enough urine stored to mark. I also advise making a loud noise. Like saying no really loud, a large clap, a horn and taking him directly outdoors. ๐Ÿ•