
Why does my dog eat dirt?

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1 Answer

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Eating dirt could be health related or behavior related.

First, consider if your dog is missing anything in the diet. If you're feeding a homemade diet, your dog may be missing nutrients. You should consult with a canine nutritionist if you are unsure if your dog's homemade diet is balanced or not.

Another cause may be that your dog has indigestion. You can give your dog probiotic supplements or digestive enzymes to see if they help.

It could also potentially be behavior related. If your dog is stressed or anxious, they might develop behaviors like eating dirt. Dogs might get anxious due to a routine change, such as moving houses or someone new moving into the house. It could even be an obsessive behavior - yes, dogs can develop OCD too!

I would bring this issue up with your vet the next time you see them. In the meantime, rule out any dietary causes, and start giving your dog a probiotic or digestive enzyme supplement to see if it helps. If you think your dog's diet may be the cause, contact a canine nutritionist that can give you a consult.