
Do french bulldogs do well in houses with lot's of stairs?

I want to get a french bulldog, but I also have 4 flights of stairs in my townhouse. I'm wondering if anyone has experience with this. Is a frenchie good in my environment? Any tips?


Technically, because of frenchies short back and lack of typical vertebrates that a regular dog would have, it's not good for their back for them to go up and down stairs much and especially jump on and off furniture, etc... I have 2 French Bulldogs myself and have done extensive research before eve

n having one. I'm sure you've moved by now Lol but if tou do some research about French Bulldogs, you'll definitely find that what I am saying is a fact. Frenchies do have tendencies to have their back legs become paralyzed unfortunately, due to their known back/lack of vertebrates.

3 Answers

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I have a 4 year old Frenchie, and shortly after I got him at 8 weeks of age, I moved to Breckenridge, CO to a townhouse that had 3 flights of stairs. When he was young he would go up them with very little help from me, but it was coming down that was the problem. He was scared of heights, and would often run to the very top only to whine and beg for me to get come get him once he was there. This continued on for maybe 5 or 6 months at the most, but then once he overcame his fear he was unstoppable. He's been running up and down stairs for over 3 years now, and does just fine. He only has a problem climbing something if it's too high, which happens occasionally when I take him walking in the Colorado mountains. Other than that he does fine, and loves to be up high where he can see everything since he's so short. I agree with the previous comment about intervertebral disc disease, hip dysplasia, and/or patellar luxation. These are all things to think about as the dog gets older, but I also agree they shouldn't stop you from getting a FB. They are a ton of fun, and I wouldn't trade mine for the world. Hope this helps!


I have a 1.5 year old Frenchie, and I too have 4 flights of stairs to get to my condo. He has no issues! If your Frenchie is healthy, it should be fine. If you have any dog that has known spine, hip, or pelvic issues, then I'd say re-think it or you'll be doing a lot of carrying. :)


Thanks for the answer Sara! I did imagine carrying my future french bulldog up and down the stairs. But sounds like by your answer, it depends on his or her specific body issues, if any.

Also, as long as you have a responsible breeder you shouldn't have many or any health issues with your Frenchie. I LOVE the breed - they're super funny, loving, weird, gremlin-like dogs who are just the best. You won't regret it! :)


We have a 3.5 year old French Bulldog. When we lived in Seattle we had a 2-story home that was up three flights of stairs. Our Frenchie did great on the stairs. No issues. We also were host to many Frenchie Rover visitors who had no problems with the stairs.

As French Bulldogs age you may find that they have issues with intervertebral disc disease (degeneration of the discs in the spine), hip dysplasia and/or patellar luxation (dislocation of the kneecap). You may want to watch for signs of these but I wouldn't let them put you off from buying a house with stairs or getting a French Bulldog.