
How should I shower a puppy?

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5 Answers

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Depending on the size of the puppy, either put them in a sink or tub. Use puppy shampoo and wash the puppy making sure you avoid the eyes and ears.


All of the above answers are great! I would add that when you are using a cup to wash them, put your hand above their eyes (dog equivalent of forehead) and then pour the water so you block their eyes from getting wet or soapy. No one wants soap in their eyes, even dogs!


I think the tub or sink is fine depending on the size of the dogs! Puppies have a harder time regulating their temperature, so make sure to dry them off well after their bath! If a puppy, make sure to use puppy shampoo. Keep it fun and positive with treats and love if the pup is nervous about their bath!


I wash my pup in the shower as well! Definitely be careful of ears and eyes! I use a plastic cup to pour the water on her!


Puppies can be bathed just about anywhere, but consider their development and make the experiences as fun as possible with praise. You may want to wait and gradually introduce them to bathing routines like hair dryers later. Introduce brushing in a non threatening way as well. They are learning! ๐Ÿ˜€ Take care to avoid products getting into ears and eyes as with adults.