
Why is my dog pooping blood?

This is a question that we often get from sitter and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


There are multiple things that blood in their stool could be. In puppies or un-vaccinated dogs, it could be parvo-which is life threatening. In adult or fully vaccinated dogs it's generally a Gi upset of some type. If the dog is prone to eating things it shouldn't, it could be a sign of a blockage

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The are a number of reasons why your dog has blood in his/her stool. It could be something simple as diet indiscretion to something more serious like parvo. A hug factor would be your pets age (puppy, older dog, or senior pet?) Also if your dog is eating and drinking? Vomiting? Activity normal? I would recommend you take your dog in to the vet where they can do a physical on you dog and run a stool sample.

But to answer your question- some causes of bloody stool can range from dietary indiscretion, foreign object, parvo virus, parasites, giardia, coccidia, cancer, ect.

Either way, you should schedule an appointment with your local veterinarian for your dog to be seen.

Good Luck!