
Why does my dog eat poop outside?

Whenever I take my dog on a walk he loves to eat poop! I'd really love to know what the best way to stop this is. I know I can't possibly avoid all the poop that might be outdoors, but could I change something in his diet or train him?

3 Answers

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Does your dog eat his own poop? Or just other dogs poop? If he eats all poop the problem could be a dietary thing, but it could also just be a behavioral thing. If it is a behavioral problem, unfortunately the only thing you can do is try to avoid all the other poop. There are supplements you can add to your dogs diet that make them not want to eat their own poop but they don't always work. Putting hot sauce on their poop right when they go will deter them as well but at that point might as well just pick it up. If it is really a dietary thing, then trying to figure out what your dog needs, and then adding it to their diet would stop the problem. Poop eating is never an easy fix.


This may be a long shot but it could be linked to an allergic reaction. Lots of dogs suffer from allergies and we may never know because unfortunately they cannot tell us. Has your dog been on any type of medicine or antibiotic that contains steroids? In some cases, steroids has been found to effect dogs in many different ways, including tricking their brains into thinking they're hungry. If your dog does truly believe he's hungry, he may result to eating poop.


I think this is something that some dogs do (or try to do). I doubt they do it because they are hungry or lacking something in their diet. Some dogs will eat just about anything if they are able to. Just like some dogs try to get into the trash can and eat whatever is in there which is why trash cans with lids are really great. I used to watch a dog that tried to eat socks all the time! Teaching the dog not to eat poop would be the best idea, especially because they could get serious sick from poop and also because it's just gross. 💩 I would suggest that when you take your dog for a walk to make sure you are watching and making sure that your dog doesn't come across any poop. It might sound ridiculous but it's going to mean that you are in a sense going to have to make sure you keep your dog away from all the poop outside. Then if your dog does come across some poop and decides to "try it" you can stop your dog before hand. Tell your dog no. Direct the dog away from the poop. At first your dog will most likely try reaching towards it anyway. I would either pick my dog up and remove my dog from the poop or if my dog was too big for that then I would help guide the dog away maybe like giving it a hug and walk at the same time or whatever. Every time you take your dog out for a walk and you say no and your dog listens or gets better about it then give your dog a treat. A treat has got to taste way better than poop right?