
Can you reopen a rover card to continue the stay?

Accidently pressed the end button and now cannot add to the rover card. Can we re-open to continue the stay?

3 Answers

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Charles - once you have stopped the event, it is stopped. It is not possible to re-open it. Walt


Hi Charles: I'm always afraid of accidentally hitting the end button too! Since you can't re-open the Rover card, the next best thing would be to message your client immediately with a continuation of the stay, explaining that you accidentally hit the End button, and then add info that the Report card is missing.


I hit it by accident too. It would be helpful if it have you a "are you sure you want to end your visit" option as all i was doing was taking my phone out my pocket during a walk and hit it without even realising.

It surely wouldn't be too hard to add this step, though it should definitely be made possible to reopen a closed off stay as well. Silly really that it doesn't exist already.