
Am I or the owner responsible for drop off & pick up of the dog?

As a sitter, am I or the owner responsible for drop off and pick up of the dog? Also, do i make up my own prices or is there a guideline?

3 Answers

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The owner is responsible for dropping off and picking up the dog. However, sometimes sitters choose to offer that service. You set your own prices. You may want to search sitters in your area to review what is currently being charged and also read the level of service provided, so you can set your rates competitively. When starting out, many people will set their price a few dollars below average, in order to gain their first verified review from a booked Rover customer.


There is an option in Rover's rate table for how much you charge each way for picking up and dropping off a dog, plus how far you will travel. But you don't have to offer that service as Deb explained above.


Depends on what services you offer. You can set a fee for a certain radius from your address. If that is something you do not want to offer, it isn't required. I offer it, but so far none of my clients have requested it--which is fine, so I have one last chance to check in with the pup parent before they leave and much more convenient for me. It's good to at least offer the service, even if a decent charge, if possible as it may be required for the occasional client who is willing to pay a good amount for the extra service.

You make your prices. Prices are largely location/market based. A price that is competitive in one area may be high or very cheap, in another. See what is being charged in your area on average. If you don't have any verified stay reviews, charge under the average (maybe ~$5 under) until you receive a review or two, then go up slightly to just under average. After a few reviews, you should be able to be successfully charging the average. Build experience and reviews (even other skills) and you can raise your prices accordingly. I recommend doing in little increments, less likely to stand out to returning clients but adds up over time. Some sitters chose to offer "grandfathered" rates for a certain amount of time if raising more than a couple dollars but do not want to alienate previous clients.