
Why does my dog's stomach make so much noise?

when the dog is quiet her stomach makes so much noise, but she does not seem to have any eating problems, or doesn't seem to be upset.

2 Answers

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There are many reasons this could be happening but the most common is that digestion makes noise! An owner recently brought their dog into the emergency vet where I work for an "extra loud stomach sound" which was just a tummy rumble of the food digesting! I agree with the first answer, dogs who rush through meals often have more gas (bubbly sounds) and if they are eliminating normally and regularly being checked fecally for worms and the like, it likely is benign.


If she is acting normal, eating and eliminating fine, and not vomiting or having diarrhea, then she could just have a noisy belly. If you wanted to try something different, you could try feeding her daily food amount split into multiple meals (if she's fed once a day), or you could try a different brand or type of food that might be easier to digest. If she tends to gulp her food down quickly, she might be swallowing air that is rumbling around in her GI system, and you could try one of those special dishes designed to slow dogs down.