
Is anyone seeing the ingredient xylitol in peanut butter?

Xylitol is a sugar and it bad for dogs because it causes liver failure. I learned this from our veterinarian. I've been watching the labels of peanut butter brands but haven't seen it listed, so I'm a little worried about continuing to use peanut butter in dog cookies.

3 Answers

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This article lists the brands and what you should be looking for in the ingredient listing.


I always dish out the extra $$ and get organic peanut butter for the dog treats I make. No weird ingredients there!


Mary, You hit the nail on the head! I also found a great Natural peanut butter through Fred Meyers. Interestingly, it has to be refrigerated, but I'm on the path to the organic brands as you suggest. Thank you very much for helping. Lisa


Lisa, Paying attention to each ingredient in people foods that we give our pups is so important; great job catching that in on your Peanut Butter label! Like Karen suggested, take a look at various brands of Peanut Butter because there are several brands that do not include xylitol in the making of their products :)