
Dog not used to go potty on-leash ?

I recently hosted a Great Dane at my place and he was just a puppy (yet quite big already); he was not trained to go potty on-leash. I had to get him go out on his own so he could do it and it was an issue since other residents were scared of him. I really did not know what to do. The owner told me the dog never went potty on-leash because they have a backyard at home. How would you handle it ? I had to keep him for 8 days...

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If you have a longer lead, or long retractable leash I would try taking him on that to see if he'd go. Personally I wouldn't take any Rover dogs off leash in an unfenced area- dogs can be very unpredictable in new environments or without their owners and its just not a risk I'd be willing to take. If the Great Dane is somewhat potty trained I would do my best to encourage him to go outside on the leash by rewarding him with treats and hope he was able to adjust.


OP can also consider screening these kinds of pets out during meet & greets.