
Why does my dog keep eating her own poop?

Why does my dog keep eating her own poop?


Many dogs have an instinct to "cover their tracks". Eating their own poop or vomit is a normal dog trait. Many of them grow out if it with training such as distracting them with a treat with a similar consistency, like a banana, after going to the bathroom.

7 Answers

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A dog will eat its own poop for many different reasons: 1) not getting enough nutrients from their current diet 2) the dogs body is not absorbing enough of the foods protein and etc from the first ingestion. 3) if its uncomfortable in its surroundings it will do it to hide their tracks or trace. Best way to get them to stop is to pick up the poop as often as possible, or if you don't have to time to pick it up. I suggest (its going to seem "harsh") fill a spray bottle with a vinegar and water solution, 80% vinegar and 20% water. It will cause the poop to dry up faster and vinegar is a very sharp taste on a dogs tongue.


My dog too! I feed them high-quality food. Maybe poops just taste good to them...


There is a great thing called "Outta my box" that will stop this. They are little doggy treats that make the poop unappealing. It worked well with mine!


I don't know why exactly but I had the same issue with my dog. My vet recommended me to use a spray filled with water, and simply spray the dog whenever he turns around to try to eat his own poop. This is to reinforce the idea that he shouldn't be doing that; my dog eventually outgrew it.


I have not had this problem with my dog, however, I do know of this happening. Feeding your pup some banana every day might help reduce the chance of this happening. I know it was successful for a friend's dog. Her vet had recommended that. Run it past yours. Good luck!


Sometimes it can help them digest their food better, if it's too hard on their stomachs. Or they could be lacking some nutrients in their diets.


If the banana doesn't work my vet recommended pineapple to make it unappealing, also.


Coprophagia is the medical diagnosed name for canines that ingest their own feces or other dogs. So, what this means is that they are in lack of some type of enzymes. By ingesting enzyme-rich poop to supplement what their body is missing. It could also be intestinal parasites, I would take the dog to a local veterinarian and have them properly diagnosed. You could also purchase Enzyme capsules online or at a local whole food store and sprinkle that on the food.