
When should I put my dog to sleep?

When is it a good time to put my dog to sleep before he has to deal with getting old or ill? And how do I cope with this? What have you guys done about this...

3 Answers

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Deciding if it’s time to put your dog to sleep is heart wrenching. Here’s what a veterinarian says about making this decision for your dog and your family. It’s often difficult to tell whether a dog is in pain or suffering, says Dr Haynes, but there are some general guidelines: Is your dog’s appetite suffering? If so, this is often a sign of pain. Does it seem like your dog is enjoying life? Does your dog still do the things that bring her joy? Are you enjoying having your dog around — or is there more pain than happiness? Does your dog seem happy more often than not? Or, do you find that your dog looks distressed or uncomfortable most of the time? Pet owners often want to be told what to do about putting their dog to sleep, but it has to be the pet owner’s decision. The vet only sees a snapshot of the pet’s life, while the pet owner has the big perspective.


The previous answer was very well written. It's a very personal decision. There are pet bereavement support groups and counseling - online & in person. If you think you'd benefit from support, please look into these resources.


The best answer I've received was from my vet when my own dog's health was starting to fail last fall. She suggested keeping a daily journal and documenting things throughout the day and, at the end of each day, deciding if it was an overall 'good' or 'bad' day. This put things into perspective for my boyfriend and me. We could clearly see on paper if my dog's bad days were outnumbering his good, or if certain issues automatically made the day bad. I would have a frank conversation with your dog's vet and start thinking through what is best for your dog and you.