
Itemizing deductions- What can we deduct?

Is it correct that we can deduct mileage to and from Meet & Greets, but not to and from our first client once something is booked? The way I understand it is we can deduct mileage BETWEEN consecutive clients, but driving there and back is not deductible.

Thanks Fawn

2 Answers

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I would add that Rover's map does not seem to calculate the actual distance when they show how far away a client's home is. I compared Google Map's driving route distance and the actual is a bit higher. I measured the straight line from my house to the client and it matches what Rover is showing as the distance, and it is a bit lower than the actual miles you have to drive to get there. If I were a crow, I could fly straight there, but...


Business mileage is a deduction you can claim on your taxes, and the rules are a bit complicated. This blog article gives you some details on the mileage deduction I always recommend you discuss all deductions with your tax professional.


Thanks Walt! Good article, I will have to look into it some more. I will keep track of my expenses in the mean time though for sure, as it sounds like quite a lot can be deducted.


We are independent contractors and you should use Schedule C to file your Rover income and expenses. there is a great IRS pub that goes through this form line by line.


Thanks! I'm sure that will come in handy.