
How do I get my dog to stop barking?

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4 Answers

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Make sure your dog is getting enough exercise and mental stimulation. Try increasing the length of walks and/or playtime, and try interactive toys to keep him or her busy. If your dog is lonely or cold out in the yard, try bringing him or her into the house. If your dog is barking at other dogs walking by, try blocking your dog's access to or view from front windows.

Another cause of barking could be separation anxiety, if it happens when you are gone. Treatment for separation anxiety can be long and difficult, and you should get advice from a trainer or vet.


Water spray (Although not in the face) works for my dog....if only for a minute. I usually just show him the spray bottle and that's enough. Ellen


Training a dog to not bark excessively with positive reinforcement is a good idea. Like with all training, it takes patients and time. You also need to eliminate and address the reasons for excessive barking.


the stereotypical spraying them in the face with water, however some people choose to get shock collars in order to control it