
Client stay confirmation

I have a client that I booked the stay for. When I didn't see the confirmation I sent a friendly message letting her know it should be ready for confirmation on her end. She messaged back saying she did confirm and she'll see me soon. But it's still showing awaiting confirmation in my pending requests. I don't want to nag her but I don't want the confirmation time to run up. Will Rover send her a reminder to book automatically?


As a customer, I have experienced the frustration of hitting the "confirm" button, and then I get a message from Rover saying I have not yet confirmed.... hmmmm....

3 Answers

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I get that ALL THE TIME! I remind them once right after I sent the request "thank you for choosing me, all you have to do now is confirm the stay on Rover" and then again before it expires. If that doesn't work I just explain that is not showing confirmed and the stay is unpaid for. They realize its user error when they finial go in and finish the confirmation.


It may be something as basic as not clicking the final submit. So let Rover customer service know and they can contact your client and say that the engagement didn't go through on their end. In this way, it all gets done and you will not look like a nag, but it will show your client that you were not wrong and had detected a problem.


I don't believe they send a reminder email until after the request has already expired, basically saying it's still available to boom and to confirm. I would suggest getting ahold of the Rover customer service, and let them know. It may be a glitch in the system, she's confirmed but the request hasn't totally cleared. If it is that she just hasn't confirmed they may send her an email requesting she be sure to confirm the stay.