
Can I charge more for a puppy?

I'm new to and so far I've already had two puppies! The puppy part doesn't bother me but the untrained puppy part does... both have pooped in the house, the younger one has done both in the house, and the younger one is a lot of work . Can I charge more or should I just put that I don't want to watch puppies?

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You can do either. The choice is up to you. On your Dashboard/Profile, under Services and Rates, you can enter a rate specifically for puppies. I do not accept puppies for the reasons you've mentioned. Moreover, I specify that all dogs I accept must be housebroken and not accustomed to using puppy pads inside.


Thanks... I went on my profile and changed the fee, didn't realize I could! This puppy I've had all weekend is chewing on everything, but thankfully leaving today