
Would you check my profile and give me specific recomendations on how to improve it?

Can you look at my profile and tell me if maybe some of the pictures are not good or if there's something you would recommend to leave out/add.

I am normally booked nearly to my max but after taking a month off due to moving I am getting very few requests. I recently added more pictures and set my price lower than everyone in my area. (I had raised it for a while since I a customer mentioned that having the price so low made it look "too good to be true". Maybe if I modifying some of the writing? I notice that other sitters on my area are getting new reviews;that sound like new guests, and I makes me wonder why didn't they consider me?


I think I am having doubts (I'm sad) because I got my first problematic owner that finally got together with me for the meet up but seems to have booked with someone else instead.

2 Answers

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Remember that those reviews you're seeing on other people's profiles could easily have been booked while you were away. I've taken a bit of time off both years I've been on Rover, and I fell in the search rankings while I was away, but it just takes a little time to build your business back up. It's also about the time of year when requests start to wane as kids go back to school and the summer season ends. The lack of requests you're seeing now may be partially attributable to taking a break, but it's also just normal for the season.

I think your profile is already pretty well done. There are a few minor proofreading issues (a couple typos, missing punctuation/capitalization, etc) but nothing major. There are two sections at the bottom for "Time I'll spend with your dog" which can be merged. Also, I might suggest fleshing out the "Why I love dog sitting" section, or simply merging it with the section below.

Your pictures are a good representation of your home and family; they could be higher quality, and it might be worth picking a more attention-grabbing shot for the big image that displays on your profile, but I think the pictures you've included do a good job showing what your clients can expect. If you have some pictures you took for your clients that turned out particularly well, you can also include those in your own pictures to show off to new clients. I saw a couple scanning through the guest pics that loaded that were good representations of your home and yard and featured dogs having a good time.


Thank you. I will review those sections. I haven't used the customers pictures because I wasn't sure if I could.

Yep! You took the pics and they're already made available on Rover, though if you take one you really like, you can always ask the client permission as a courtesy, like "I really love this shot of the dogs playing. I'd love to use it on my profile if you don't mind!"


I agree with Laura - the pictures are very representative and there are a few typos. I think more candid shots of you would be good, especially ones of you playing with the dogs or cuddling. Overall, I wouldn't worry too much. I went away for a couple weeks and it was really slow when I got back. It took a week or two to pick back up again, but now I'm having to refuse people. You have a lot of great reviews, which is huge. Try posting on Craiglist or on a dog community board or Facebook page near you. I post on my city's Facebook once in awhile, and there is a dog park in the works in my city, so I also post on its Facebook page.