
Should I include Dog Walking in Dog Boarding?

Hi Sitters!

I'm a little stuck with how to charge for Dog Boarding. Do you include dog walking to your Dog Boarding price or do you ask dog owners if they want dog walking as well and then charge them separately?

If dog walking is 30/night do you add 15/dog walk to that?

If you could let me know asap that would be so great. Thank you for your help!!


8 Answers

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When you board a dog, the per night charge is for 24 hours of care, which includes walking, feeding, playing, etc. Boarding is all-inclusive.

If you feel that charge isn't sufficient, then raise your rates.


When you board a dog at your home they have to go out and potty or go for walks to do their necessities. If not you'll have lots of accidents in your home. Like Karen said, it is all inclusive so walking is included in your boarding price.


Typically, boarding includes walks, daycare, and the overnight stay. However, if you feel that a dog requires additional walk time (ex: 1 hour walks vs. 15 minute potty breaks), then you can also opt in for an Additional Add-On service of an extended walk, similar to adding on a bath.



The great thing about being a Rover Sitter/Walker is that Rover allows you to create your business, set your own rates and policies, offer the services you wish to (Boarding and Daycare (in your home), House Sitting (In client's home), Drop Ins, and/or Walk, and manage your own schedule to fit your schedule now.

PLEASE NOTE: Any policies you wish to add, you would need to inform the client and add the fee manually to the request. It will not automatically apply.

I would recommend entering a detailed paragraph describing your pick up/drop off policies and/or if your wanting to charge a late fee in your 'About Me' section in your profile. Be sure to talk to clients so potential clients will be aware of your policies and won’t be surprised.

You can enter your policies/fees by clicking this link to your Detail section of your profile: (

Scroll down to 'Why should a client choose you to take care of their dog?' Here is where you would enter your descriptive information about your desired policy and fees. Be sure to click 'Save & Continue' at the bottom

Here is a link that Rover services cover: (

Also, you can edit your booking by following this link to adjust to your desired fees: (

I personally have a drop off/pick up policy for people to come get their pups within 4 hours. I charge $10 depending on how long the pick-up / drop-off times are apart. I discuss with clients at a meet and greet before booking. I do a cost adjustment for my policy, then book it after the new clients enter my promo code.

If the client fails to perform what they tell me, I send them an extended stay request informing them again of my policy, stating about the policies I have discussed at a meet and greet and sending a request for them to accept.

Here is a link on how to extend a stay: (

There are clients that want more and more with the rate you give, be sure of your rates and your polices, be sure to discuss your policies and how you run your business.


When we board, walks/exercise are included in the service.


I'm sorry, but boarding is all inclusive (someone probably already said this, but it never hurts to reiterate). A dog's basic needs should be met in the dog boarding that includes: feeding, exercise, play time, potty breaks and walks. Boarding is the main work I get through Rover and I take care of their dog like I would my own and the only thing I charge extra for is bathing, which I charge 5$ extra for.


Walking is a great way for you, your dog and the client's dog to bond. Many dogs won't "exercise themselves" in the yard unless you're actively playing with them. Walking helps stimulate their mind with the many scents outside.

Some breeds do require more exercise in order to settle into your home. For example Huskies need to be RAN at least 5 miles a day in order for them to not be destructive. So if you prefer not to do that level of activity, I would recommend you only accept dogs that have low exercise requirements. For ex: pugs, basset hounds etc. There's nothing wrong with only taking low energy dogs. I don't breed discriminate however I won't take huskies or viszla or weimaraners (for ex) because I don't want to run for miles lol! However whichever dog you do accept, it is standard to exercise them. That would be equivalent of babysitting a kid and never taking them to the park. You wouldn't say "well I feed them and hugged, that should be enough".... dogs likewise require more than dog food and a pat on the head.


This question has been thoroughly answered by other posters, but I wanted to include my two cents!

As an independent sitter, your services and pricing can be tailored however you want. If you don't include any walks in your boarding price, I would make sure to clearly indicate that in your profile and communicate it to owners during the initial messaging and again at the M&G. This may appeal to some owners who have low energy dogs that don't need daily walks (such as senior dogs who can't walk far), especially if your boarding price is lower than other sitters in your area.

Personally I include essentially unlimited walks in my boarding rate because at the end of the day, a tired dog is a well behaved dog! I have a medium/small-ish sized yard, so it's tough to wear a high energy dog out playing short distance fetch/chase. I don't guarantee walks longer than 30 minutes to owners (and only 2 or 3 walks a day) but if I have a dog in my care that obviously needs something longer, I will provide it to preserve my own sanity! This has resulted in a few dogs that I discovered were too high energy for me (needed hour+ walks multiple times a day), so I just don't accept them again.

Basically this is your business so how you run it is your prerogative!


Walking rate is somewhere between $15-$25/walk. So with boarding should be only charge for "room and board." Sitters rate between $30-50/night. According to Rover, boarding can "earn 2x more." So if walking is $15/walk than only 2 walks/day sitter makes more money than boarding a dog 24 hrs?! Hm