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Meet the world's largest network of
5-star pet sitters and dog walkers.

Services for every dog

Your pets stay overnight in your sitter’s home.

Book with pet sitters and dog walkers you can trust.

Your sitter and your pets stay overnight in your home.

All new sitters pass a basic background check

All sitters provide a detailed profile and personal information

Your dog gets a walk around the neighborhood.

All sitters are approved by our team of sitter specialists

Daytime pet care in your sitter's dog-friendly home.

Your sitter drops by your home to feed and play with your pets.

All services booked on Rover are backed by 24/7 support, reservation protection, and the Rover Guarantee.

My sitter sent me updates throughout the day and took care of my dog as if she were her own.

Corinna F.

LaShone C. in San Diego, CA

We’re the treat-your-dog-like-family dog people


Book and pay on Rover


Read verified reviews and pick the perfect pet sitter or dog walker.

It’s convenient and secure. No cash, checks, or tips required.

Your booking is backed by 24/7 support and the Rover Guarantee.

We speak dog, think dog, and sometimes even dream dog. We’re dog people, and whatever you and your dog are into, we’re into it too. So if you have a dog that needs a true dog person for walking, boarding, or just playing—anywhere, anytime—we’re your dog people.

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