
Home made dog treats

I have a question about dog food but I'm also interested in making my own dog treats as well!

Anyone have a good recipe to share or experience?

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Oh that sounds fun!


I make a No Bake treat. You can also use it as a "pill treat"

Mix: 1/4 C flour (whole wheat or what you prefer- I use coconut flour)

1/4 C milled/ground flax seed (keep it in your freezer)

2 Tbsp milk (I use coconut milk)

2 Tbsp creamy unsalted peanut butter

Optional: You can add a ripe banana

*Coconut flour is very dense compared to other flour so you may need to add/adjust to create a dough consistency. I add more fruit and peanut butter if I am going to use them as pill treats.

Mix all ingredients to form dough;

Pinch off enough to roll into a ball sized for a dog big, med or small

Place ball on parchment paper

*If used as a pill treat, use end of spoon to punch a hole to push the pill into Once all dough has been rolled into balls, put in freezer bag and freeze Or

*Put some In seal tight bag and put in fridge for that day

**I let my dogs Taste Test as I make them.

*If hole isn't big or deep enough for pill, it is easy to reform the frozen ones.

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