
How to keep photo ratings high with clients who don't want photos?


I understand the client can simply check the box stating they do not need to receive photos during their stay. However, I feel uncomfortable giving this advice. 1. I don't want to offend their technical abilities. 2. I don't want them to think it's a hassle to send them photos and 3. I certainly don't want them to think my services are rating driven.. "Hi client, can you unclick that photo box for that one night stay so you don't lower my photo rating?".. Has anyone had this conversation? Thanks


I have Senior Citizen clients who can't be bothered by all the technical stuff. But I send photos anyway and tell them when the stay is over, that I've uploaded several cute photos of their pet they'll want to see! They like going to their desktop CPU at home to view the photos.

4 Answers

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Hi all,

Thank you for the great questions. To answer the first, I would discourage you from suggesting an owner un-check the photo box. Even if it is just a one night stay, I would still send at least one photo, maybe of the dog snuggling with you, or on a walk etc, just for an update.

For those of you who send the photos directly to the owner, this does not affect your search ranking at this time, but the search algorithm is always changing. It will however affect the photo percentage displayed on your profile. I recommend you send all photos through Rover. If you don't have the app yet, I encourage you to try it, it's just as easy to send a photo as it is to text one!

If you have any other specific questions about our search algorithm, give Customer Support a call and they can walk you through your profile individually.


I've never had a client concerned about receiving too many pictures. I tend to send a lot (I try to group them so I'm not triggering lots of push notifications through Rover by uploading them once every day or two, while keeping my instagram and facebook pages updated more in real time). Even for a short stay, I think it's really helpful for the client to see how their dog is doing, especially if it's their first time staying with you. For short stays with existing clients, pictures might be less important, and in those instances it might be worth suggesting they uncheck the box, and promising to still send any really cute pics you might capture. Then you aren't just taking pictures for the sake of your rating.


I think all dog parents deserve pictures, even if it is only an overnight stay. I try to send one text per day with 1-2 pics that I have culled and cropped from the many taken.

Regarding folks who do not request pictures or are unable to access them online - I keep photo paper on hand and would definitely print out the pictures to send home. At the end of one 2-week long stay I had a photo album printed at Walgreens online and presented the owner with it when she returned. She was THRILLED.


I don't upload my photos to Rover but send them directly to my clients. Is this affecting my ranking/search rank?



As I understand it, yes, unless your clients are unchecking the box saying they want pics. And the percentage of stays you upload photos for is reflected on your profile. It's grouped with your response rate and response time, which also influence your ranking.

When that first appeared, I contacted Rover and was told it did not. Would someone from Rover please provide an answer. I want to know if this is factored into your search algorithm.