
Why is my dog eating carpet?

We have a very old dog who is blind. I woke up around midnight to find he was pulling the fibers out of the rug and eating them. Why would he be doing this?


Omg! It’s crazy that you’re dog is also blind and chewing carpet at midnight!! I was just woken up by a strange popping sound only to find my dog pulling the carpet up by the corner of the hallway door. I have caught her doing this before!! Most of the time when she shows this behavior it cost me $

2 Answers

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Probably for the same reason dogs love pulling apart stuffed toys - it satisfies their predatory instincts. Bonus points if something disgusting spilled there or was tracked inside.


I also have spent thousands on vet bills. This is never a good idea! I have a Rover dog now who is tearing apart blankets. Anxiety driven I'm sure.


Hi Matt- your dog could also be bored. Does he have toys to play with and chew on? Our 2yr old has chewed holes in the dog blankets. He likes to chew on the threads of the carpet to get my attention. Their sense of smell is so much stronger than ours so if food or something liquid spilled and dried they will smell it. Kathleen D


I have a soft wheaten terrier who is like child to me. I have also spent thousands of dollars on vet bills due to him eating the carpet while I'm out of the house. He has never chewed anything while I am at home. I have had a behaviorist monitor who confirmed it is some type of anxiety a