
How much should I charge for animals that are not dogs or cats?

I got a request to house sit for 5 dogs, 3 goats and 1 pig. I usually charge $50/night + $10/night for each additional dog. How much should I charge for the other animals?

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I would say that depends on how many nights and also how much clean up it will take for the farm animals. Also, if they are turned out for the day and need put back up that can be time consuming and sometimes difficult if you aren't established into a routine with these animals. If you're going to have to clean up after them and chase them down, plus their daily feeding and watering, I'd say go as high as $100-$150 a day, plus what you charge for the dogs. If you're just watering and feeding them and additional $50 on top of what you normally charge for the dogs seems fair to me. I would want to meet them too, grumpy farm animals are no fun to deal with. If I was desperate it would be an added fee for $50 for having to do this while also defending myself from their critters, just depends on what you're willing to deal. The most important part when quoting the client is keep in mind you deserve compensation for your time and the more work it's going to be the more time you will have to dedicate to this particular client's situation. Ask as many questions as you need to, people really don't mind and if they do it's usually a red flag they'll be a pain the whole process anyways.