
Does my puppy need to both poo and pee when I take him outside every two hours for potty training?

My 2 month old Golden Retriever is potty training. We take him to our yard every 2 hours. I like to monitor if/how often he is pooing or peeing. Does he need to do both pee and poo every single time we take him out? If he only pees during one potty training yard visit, will he be safe for the next hours or will he poo?

2 Answers

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They normally will urinate when they go outside saying that he is drinking his water regularly.

You will start to get the feeling after being outside for a while with him. The more you go out with him,, the more you will start to get a better feel as when your puppy really needs to go potty vs just sniffing and playing. As far as his bm's no, they typically will have a bm shortly after they eat not every time. (Saying that your not free feeding but instead feeding him twice a day) .


Nooooooo. Do you poop every time you pee? My dog generally goes after meals. Sometimes other times throughout the day. I taught my dog to respond to the end of toileting by sitting down to tell me she's done. Let her pee, then watch her behavior for a minute or two. If she's looking for a place to go, she needs to go. If she's chewing at sticks and chasing birds, probably not so much.