
Different amount of drop ins for different days: how to?

I've seen this question asked before but can't seem to find it.

I have a client looking for different amounts of drop in visits over the course of 3 days. She wants 1 the first day, 3 the second, and 2 the last day. Is there a way I can book this all under one request? Thanks!


I have the same problem! You can modify "number of visits", but not individual days, until the appt. is booked. Then it shows a calendar and how many visits per day. I have asked this question twice and have never received an answer from Rover support!

2 Answers

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While it is a royal pain in the arse multiple booking should be created so the owner and you have a record of each and every visit. Sure you can modify the rate and booking amount but that defeats the purpose! Best of luck to you


Doesn't this charge the client additional service fees if I have to create multiple bookings?


I don't think that this is possible upon initial request - but you can always go in and adjust the booking price to include the drop ins that are not listed and clarify in the chat how many per day on which day. :) As long as you are getting everything written down and keeping track that is the best way to go about that from my experience!