
Could my dog be dying?

My dog was neutered Monday. Last night he started throwing up so we took him to the Emergency vet. He threw up blood on the way there and as soon as we got inside he had bloody diarrhea everywhere. It was awful. The doctor there said looked like he had pancreatitis and looked like beginning stages of possible HGE. They gave him a shot for nausea, a pain shot, did subcutaneous fluids and sent us home with antibiotics. He had some more bloody stool this morning. We took him to our regular vet today and they gave him fluids through an IV, gave us some pills for nausea and worm medicine in case it could be related to anything like that. He started acting like he felt better. We asked him if he wanted to go outside, he perked right up and went. He still didn’t act like himself but better than before, he hasn’t had any bloody stool since 1130. We gave him a nausea pill now he is just laying in the floor and won’t move. Could he just be resting or tired from all the medication he’s gotten? He hasn’t ate anything in about two days. I’m sitting here watching him breathe worrying it will be his last.

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I'd encourage you to call your vet and if closed the emergency vet because they have seen your dog recently in this condition and should be willing to talk with you over the phone. They'd be in the best position to ask related follow up questions and advise you about if/when your dog should be seen for follow up care.

It seems that by giving him fluids & meds. which probably stopped the bloody diarrhea and vomiting, your dog is staying hydrated, which is far more important than actual food, while his body rests.