
How do I potty train a puppy that is being stubborn?

I just got a new pitbull puppy and she is 3 months now and I'm having a really hard time potty training her. She will go pre and poop outside sometimes but than decides she wants to inside to. I have tried so many different tactics. I have tried punishing her for it, tried making it a happy experience and even stayed outside longer with her. I will even stay out there for like 20 min or more and she will act like she doesn't need to go than immediately go once she comes inside. I really need help! I have never had this much trouble before. Any help is appreciated. Please no rude comments, I just need advice. Thank you!:)


One thing that has worked for some is if she doesn’t go potty as soon as you let her out, go back inside and wait 5 minutes. Then try again. If she goes potty immediately this time, reward her with extra time outside. Sometimes a dog will save their Potty to The end Because they like to be outside.

My puppy is 4 months old I absolutely adore her . She is Pitt bull and chiwauwA mix can't spell lol I'm unable to let her outside because she's not yet had her shots . I buy the puppy training pads keep it in the same spot (my apartment is small) she just peed and poops anywhere she wants.. HELP ME

6 Answers

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Patience and more than frequent potty breaks. Reward her EVERY time she goes outside. If she goes inside, and you catch her in the act, tell her a stern, "NO" and immediately take her to the place where you want her to pee. No other "punishment" though. Once she goes outside again, reward her. If you are leaving her alone in the house, consider crating her as they will be reluctant to soil their "den". Hope this helps. Good luck!


I agree this is exactly how we trained our dogs.


Our little girl was difficult. She just wasn’t signaling when she needed to go. And seemed not to understand the connection between going and going outside. We finally got a “potty bell” (online for about $10) affixed it to the wall beside the door and trained her to use it. We rang it, then took her out. Soon she was ringing it to be taken out. Then when she (did business) we gave her a treat and praised her. We always used the same command.... do business. Soon “she connected the dots” and now rings to be taken out to do business and get a treat. We are delighted with her. This works great. We even got a second one, attached it to a weighted post (at the same height) and now have a portable potty bell to take with us when we go away to visit friends. Good luck.


First of all, puppies that young do not have the bladder capacity to hold it more than an hour or two max. Most puppies do not pick up on potty training until 5-6 months in my experience since that's when they can learn to hold it. Do not expect your puppy to learn potty training overnight. My 10 month old girl still has accidents from time to time. Be patient!!


I know you posted this in January but I will let you know what I did. I just went through this with my Sheepadoodle (old english sheepdog/Poodle mix). She is very intelligent but kept urinating in the house. I was getting very frustrated when she turned around 4 months old because it seemed like she just wasn't getting it. I took her to the vet and she had a urinary tract infection. After putting her on meds we finally got through it. I am a big believer in using the crate. She was even urinating in the crate which is very abnormal for a dog. If you do not have a crate, get one! When you let your dog outside and she doesn't potty then bring her in and put her in the crate. Wait 10 to 15 minutes and take her out again. When she does go potty, praise her alot and give her a good value treat. Another trick I use is to keep the dog on a leash in the house with me for a while until I know they are potty trained--yes I know this is a pain but it will keep accidents from happening. We finally got through it and she was completely potty trained by 7 months old. All of my other dogs were done by 4 months so it was very stressful! Be patient, she may just need to have a more mature bladder. If you let her just run around the house she will just go behind furniture to potty if she thinks you are upset at her so don't give her a chance to make a mistake. Patience is the most important thing you can have. Every dog gets through it if you are consistent and make it positive. They really do want to please you, they just need to understand what you want.


OMG this is exactly what we are going through with our new puppy. We have never had one so stubborn and hard to potty train. We are simply at a loss!!!! I'm unsure of his breed because he is definitely not what we were told in the beginning and can't get a straight answer from where he came from. So if breed plays a role in him being so stubborn I may not ever know.


I have a Pit/Mastiff mix and he took some time to learn as well. I know that he is food motivated so I gave him treats for going to the door, going potty outside, and coming when called. When giving the treats be excited which lets them know that you are happy and then she can associate you being happy with treats, which all dogs love.

Something that was previously stated is that they cannot hold there bladder that long. Even though my pup is now 8 months I still take him out every 30 min to and hour after eating and drinking which helped him to learn as well. Getting them on a schedule is very helpful. For example about 30 min after a meal, take her outside. When she goes, show her that you are excited and happy and reward her for good behavior. Every time you go out and she goes reward her.


I have a pit, he is 2 now but he was a very bull headed puppy but jst b patient with the puppy and give lots of potty times and PRAISE