
how can i set a custom puppy rate for dogs under 10 months?

Rover has an option to set a puppy rate for dogs under 1 year, but i would like to set a custom puppy rate for dogs under 10 months. i have clients with dogs between 10months to 1 year and they are ok not requiring enough work for additional rates, so i do not want to turn those clients off. But for pups under 10 months i do want to raise my rate. Help!

Thanks Alicia

2 Answers

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You can edit the rate via on individual bookings, before you confirm and the client pays. There is no way to reprogram Rover's system that links dogs' ages with your rates. Just tell those clients that you will fix it when they book with you. It isn't going to be an issue for very long anyway, given that their dog will outgrow the rate within a couple of months.


You can also include info in your About Me section that lets people know there is a rate difference for the different ages.