
Client wants write testimonial

Dear Rover, Barbara L. wants write a testimonial, and she don't know how to do this, can you explain her?


Krystyna Rynczak

2 Answers

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First off, you should remove (use the Edit function) Barbara's telephone number from your question.

It is easy to have someone write a testimonial for you. Go to your Dashboard, then click on Profile. On the Overview page, scroll down about halfway, until you get to a place with the heading: New to Rover? Want to get your profile noticed? The first option underneath is to request testimonials. There is a link where you would type in Barbara's email address. It doesn't go by phone number.


Thank you, but how I can find Barbara email address? Krystyna

You have Barbara's phone number. Just call her and ask for the email address.


Have her look at other sitters' profiles and reviews to get an idea of what to say. Tell her it's information that other prospective owners will read to determine if you are the right sitter for them.


Thank you, Krystyna