
Why does my dog hump stuffed animals?

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3 Answers

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To answer this question in the most basic way....Dogs hump things (or other animals) because it feels good. Even if they are fixed....male or female, they still get the desire to hump. Dogs aren't people, so they have no qualms with humping stuffed animals, people's legs, etc.


Dogs can hump for many different reasons but most of the time it is completely harmless. They can hump for the simple pleasure of it, for comfort, because of anxiety, boredom, etc. As long as it does not become obsessive, I wouldnt worry about it. If it does become excessive, I recommend first seeing your vet rule out any medical reason and then contact a trainer or behaviorist, have them evaluate your dog and see what they say.


If he or she is not fixed, just like all animals, he or she could just be "in the mood" LOL!