
Should I respond in the future please let me know when your plans have changed or just in the future tell the owner I'm not available?

I have a owner that has messaged me three different times and asked if I was available on a certain date,I reply yes I'm available no response for a few days I have to message them and ask if they still need the care,all 3 times no our plans changed,and the last time no we are having family watch her,I have watched her 2 different times and the dog is great,my question is do I just in the future just say sorry I'm not available this is very annoying and disrespectful I think what are your thoughts ?

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There are always going to be annoying people like this who ask if you are available and then never follow through. It really is up to you whether you want to deal with them again. So long as you don't hold a place open for their dog or change any preexisting plans, I would just respond that, yes, you are available. Archive the request and put it out of your mind. I wouldn't bother even following up to ask where they stand in the process. If they want you, they'll contact you and book it. Don't let it bother you. Just respond professionally--once--and call it a day.