
What should I feed my dog?

I have a 6 month old yorkie. What type of food should I feed her?

2 Answers

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A high quality puppy food will suffice. You can even get puppy food in small bits so she can eat them easier. Make sure you are feeding her the right amount and not just filling up the bowl. Avoid rawhide bones until she is grown.


There are a lot of high quality puppy foods. If you use the search, there are related posts in this section that may help you.

The following items should be avoided (not listed in the ingredients of dog food/snacks): wheat, corn, soy,... high fat items like peanut butter, cheese, cream cheese, ice cream, milk, butter, dark poultry meat, poultry skin, ham, sausage, bacon, deli meat, salami, human jerky, fatty meat scraps, hot dogs and meat by products, cooked bones, pizza, nuts, chips, sugar, syrup... No raisins, grapes, alcohol/wine, chocolate, human cookies/candy/gum/processed snacks and foods.