
My client sent me a picture of nothing and it has been added to the "Photos form Rex's stay." Can I delete this photo?

My client sent me a picture of nothing (just an accidentally scribble) and it has been added to the "Photos form [Dogs Name] stay."

Can I delete this photo?

Can I delete photos from the past says section of my profile?

1 Answer

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I don't think client photos show as photos you took during stays. But for photos you took, you can Hide the photo from showing on your profile from the Past Stays section. Just click on selected photo and hit Hide at the bottom.


You are right,photos taken by the client are not included in my profile. They can be seen in the past stays section (which I think only me and the client can see). I found the hide button, but only if you go to the past stays section and press View Past Customers button, not from the messages sec.