
Why does my dog pee on my furniture?

This is a question that we often get from sitters and owners who work with Rover. Help the community out by answering them in our forum!


Unfortunately they are marking their territory. They want others dogs to know what's theirs.

2 Answers

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There are so many reasons a dog would urinate on your furniture, a male marking, a dog not fully potty trained, a dog becoming incontinent. Much more information is needed to properly answer your question.

-Sex of the dog -Age of the dog -Level of potty training -When does he pee? -Exactly where does he pee?


I agree with the answers given. Until more information is known, some solutions are: - to use a diaper (reusable or disposable for both genders) or belly band (if for a male dog) - secure the dog to a limited area that can be easily cleaned when not observed (maybe a crate or playpen) - tether the dog to you with a leash while you are home - so wherever you go, the dog goes - so you can instantly stop unwanted behavior as needed and also gain more insight as to when & why it's happening.