
Are pick-up and drop-off rates round-trip or one-way?

Dog boarding and doggy daycare both include the option of setting rates for pick-up and drop-off services. If I say $15, for instance, is that $15 for both picking up and dropping off for a single booking, $15 for picking up at the beginning of the stay and another $15 for dropping off at the end, or $15 each time I go there and $15 each time I come back (totalling $60)? Thank you!

3 Answers

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I have that service listed but it's never been requested. I plan to charge the amount as a one-way fee, i.e. $10 to pick up the dog and $10 to drop it off. I figure the client may need one or the other. If they want both, they pay for it twice ($20) since it is essentially a round trip for me each time.


The rate is round trip


The rate is for one-way transport for one animal.


Round trip fee if its within Markham itself. Otherwise one way fee if its outside my municipality.