
Why does my dog chew his nails?

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4 Answers

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Usually, this is a result of some allergy in the pet. Most common allergens include inhalant/contact allergens such as grass, trees, mold, pollen, ragweed, house dust, food allergies, and less likely flea bite allergies.


Your dogs nails could be bothering him because of their length You can buy pet nail trimmers or a autamatif nail file


Are your dog's nails long or pointy? If so, the simple answer would be to have his nails cut. Another option for dogs who have a chewing tendency is to have the nails grinded instead of cut. This leaves a smoother, rounder finish which will be less likely to provoke your dog to chomp on them. If your dog's nails are short and not pointy or splintering, his chewing may be a sign of something else. Often, dogs chew their nails when stressed, worried, or bored. Try giving your dog a rawhide or rawhide-alternative bone to keep him occupied and to shift the focus away from his nails. With these bones, always make sure that the bone is larger than the width of the dog's mouth and that he only chews it while under your supervision. Be sure to replace the bone when it becomes too small because it may pose a choking hazard. Lastly, keep an eye on your dog for other signs of illness. Although unlikely, nail-chewing can be a sign of stress that the dog is expressing because of feeling unwell. If you notice any other weird symptoms, call your veterinarian and schedule an appointment.


Foot chewing is mostly considered an itching response. It can be related to allergies or infection. Some dogs chew for behavioral reasons like a nervous habit, and if they don't have toys to chew the paws can be chewed instead.