
Why does my dog eat grass and then vomit?

Does anyone else's dog eat a lot of grass and then throw up afterwards? Is this a normal dog thing or should I try to stop it, and how? My dog just likes grass so much...


This is usually a sign that your dog has an upset stomach. My dog does this when he has stomach issues. Our vet recently told us to add a spoonful of plain in their food to help clam their stomach. It acts like a probiotic for your dog.

Your dog ate something that didn't agree with them,.

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There are a variety of reasons a dog might be eating grass, plants, and dirt. Some people propose that dogs might turn to eating grass when they don’t feel well as a way to make themselves vomit, and then feel better. Others dispute this idea. Evidence suggests that most dogs that eat grass aren’t unwell beforehand, or at least they don’t seem so. In fact, fewer than 10% of dogs seem to be sick before eating grass, according to their owners. And grass-eating doesn’t usually lead to throwing up, as less than 25% of dogs that eat grass vomit regularly after grazing.