
Why does my dog lick the floor?

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1 Answer

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Dog licking behavior can be caused by a physical or mental illness. Licking which is usually normal, becomes abnormal if it continues incessantly, to the point where it is difficult or impossible to distract your dog when he's licking.

Medical causes of obsessive floor licking include: - Nutrient Deficiency: Many dogs who aren't getting enough nutrients may try to consume inanimate objects to make up for these deficiencies. - Cushing's Disease (Hyperadrenocorticism): The dog's adrenal gland is producing too much glutocortisoid, which is crucial in the function of many body systems. Hypoadrenocorticism can also cause excessive floor licking. - Liver Failure - Neurological Diseases: Different neurological diseases can disrupt a variety of normal body functions that could lead to this behavior. Obsessive-compulsive disorders are neurological disorders that can cause a dog to obsessively repeat the same behavior. Medication is often available for treatment.

Behavioral Causes may be a change in environment, routine, nervousness, and boredom.

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