
Am I allergic to my dog?

I've developed a rash recently and I think I might be allergic to my dog. What are some common signs of a dog allergy? It would really be a bummer...

2 Answers

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If your dog scratched or lightly bit you where you later developed a rash, you may very well be allergic. I would get tested by a professional ENT (ear, nose, and throat doctor). If you constantly find yourself sneezing, itching, hard to swallow, or have the sniffles when you're around the dog, for example, you could definitely could be allergic.

If you ARE allergic, there are things you can do without having to get rid of your dog:

-if your dog sheds, get a furmenator and come your dog daily or every other day -get an air purifier - YOU WON'T regret it!! Best purchase I have ever made -Sleep with the air purifier as well -vacuum daily -and go to an ENT specialist so that you could possibly get a serum - this basically is like a flu shot; it helps your body build a tolerance to the pet dander,and eventually, you won't be as allergic

I hope this helps!


If you are severely allergic to pet dander.'". Dander is one of the most stubborn and common allergens. Cats, dogs and other furry or feathered pets produce dander, which consists of microscopic, dandruff-like flakes of skin and proteins from saliva and urine that can trigger allergies and aggravate asthma.