
Why won't my dog stop scratching?

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Fleas or Allergy. If he does not have fleas then allergies makes them itch and itch!

Scratching can be a huge problem and difficult to control and/or find a cause. I would start by getting your dog on a flea prevention right away, if not already. Then a visit to the vet to determine whether its the food, allergies or fleas. They will get a plan going as well as relieve your dog asap

2 Answers

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If your dog is frequently scratching, you may suspect a problem with fleas. But fleas are far from the only cause of skin irritations and itches. Insect bites and stings are fairly common on dogs. Some cause minimal to no symptoms, while others can cause a life threatening allergic reaction.


Constant itching is usually a sign of allergies. A trip to the vet is recommended. Additionally, a mix of 1/2 water & 1/2 apple cider vinegar applied from a spray bottle may help.