
Why does my dog poop in his bed?

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My six month old rescue pup is doing this. If she has the cage bare she won't poop in it, but if there's even a rag or her bed is put in there she poops all over it, even lies in it. I hate thinking she'll be left lying on the hard crate but it's the only option. Why would she be doing this?

1 Answer

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There could be multiple reasons why your pup likes to potty in his bed/crate area. For one, is it a puppy, newly rescued dog, or did you recently move? If so, your dog could just be taking some time to get used to his new environment or a little thrown off due to stress. Work with him/her to reinforce good potty behavior and if issues still persist, reach out to your local dog behavior specialist :)


To add to Tully's reasoning & solution if a puppy or newly rescued place him/her in a smaller crate. Typically speaking, a "clean" pup doesn't soil their sleep area. The crate should be just big enough for your pup to turn around in to deter them from deficating in it. That's where you should start.

My dog does this and he is not a puppy. He's a six year old Chorkie and has been trained to use the potty pad when I'm not home, but he occasionally poops in his bed. All beds and blankets are washed every time this happens, so I don't think it has anything to do with smell.