
Why is my dog so skinny?

One of my dogs is really skinny and I never thought about this being an issue. Now I'm wondering if she has some sort of disease or if this is normal... what do you guys think?

3 Answers

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To determine whether your dog needs to gain weight, perform a simple test by feeling his rib cage. In a healthy dog, you should be able to feel the ribs just below the skin. If the ribs are visibly protruding, your dog may be severely underweight. Next, set a goal weight. If you do not know the healthy weight range for the breed of dog you have, consult your veterinarian, a breeder or a rescue group for recommendations. Your veterinarian can also run tests to determine whether your dog may be suffering from a medical condition that makes it difficult for him to maintain a healthy weight.


The dog may simply need more food, especially if it's always been that way. A vet can best advise you if there is any concern you should have.


What breed is your dog? Some breeds are naturally thinner than others. Your dog may just have a higher metabolism as well, or may burn a lot of calories during it's exercise (from walks or running around in the yard). Try feeding your dog more. Monitor it's behavior closely. If it starts acting lethargic or shows signs of illness, get it checked out by the vet.